I said it before and i'll say it again, never trust me nowadays that i'll be 100% active on this site and I think I can put always busy with university, then lazy to be here as my main reason. Sadly, due to now nearly 3 months of inactivity, I accomulated over 200 unread blogs and in the end, only read and commented on Blake getting a Wii U and had to delete everything since it would take a long ass time trying to slog through 5 pages. I also kinda lost track of any game i've gotten since the last update, although I should say they were only few games I bought and some of them where free copies supplied by either by websites or publishers (Abe's Oddysee for free!). With that said, what else in my life has happened?
Second university semester of hell.
Those who remember my last update (linked above) may know I missed an exam on an important subject. The good news is, I made an effort to concentrate on the subject and get atleast the minimun note to pass and make it through. The sad news is, I also lost a different subject due to not paying/caring enough about it. That one hurt quite a bit.
I should say that despite these two subjects, I did pass the second semester. Aside from the minimun note and the failure (which was actually close to the minimun, but the teacher was a cold blooded harpy), I got two subject with decent notes and the other two I actually did great, so i'm ready for the third semester.
This second half was very tough, though I also bring the blame to myself since I didn't keep track very well on some of the subjects and got lazy at times. If anything, I hope this year taught me well enough about things to come and what should I do.
Where am I now?
Back in my city for the end-year holidays.
Other stuff?
Oh yeah, i've actually got a few gaming stuff from a trip my mom did to New York. Now I am the owner of a Wii U Pro Controller and also a Link Smash 4 amiibo.
On websites, I finally caved in and got a Backloggery account, both for archive porpuses and also help me finish games. Currently it doesn't have all my games, but I do hope to fill it soon enough. I also made an account on a pretty nice movie community website called Letterboxd, also done to keep track of movies i've seen. Be sure to follow me there if you have accounts.
New Nintendo Network/Miiverse account
So, Nintendo forgot about Colombia after the Wii. That'd be bothersome but not terrible if it wasn't for fact that there's no acces to the Eshop, meaning that any Colombian who wants the newest version of the Virtual Console and DLC for games like Smash 4 or Mario kart 8 is left aside.
What did I do? I simply changed the country from Colombia to the United States and bingo. Sadly, it did delete the progress from the games I started, but I didn't mind since it was only Super Mario 3D World the one I had the most progress (and that one I managed to get to the last World I played before the deletion thanks to playing co-op with a friend).
If you wanna add me again, here's the new username: Alex-C25
What about the 3DS? I still have that with the old account since i'll wait till I get a New 3DS.
WTF Game Industry!
At first I was gonna add a rant due to events happening in our medium quite recently and in general, nearly all of 2015. I decided not to since I didn't want to turn this update blog into a heated debate on the comments and I felt it was better for another blog, so i'm just going to say this: there's reasons why GamerGate (though I feel currently it's in a slump) is still going on and why I still consider myself a supporter.
Glad I did this update, because even with now my longest period of inactivity, I love this site and you guys. I honestly find this site comforting and one where as far as I know, you never try to silence anyone considering how pissy and coward many sites and forums have become at the mere mention of GamerGate and/or things they don't agree with ("cough" Neogaf "cough").
I am going to try keeping up with the site this December and January and I do want to post some recent game reviews posted outside the site. I now look forward to the content here.