On 12/28/2018 at 01:23 PM,
Casey Curran
2018 came and went and to be honest, I just didn't really feel this year. There were some fine games that came out, sure, but as opposed to last year where my top 10 list had left out games I adored, I had a hard time thinking up a top 5 list worthy enough. Granted, if I put in more time into Red Dead Redemption 2, Soul Calibur 6, and a few other games that might change, but I still feel original games were lacking. What wasn't lacking, however, were the games I missed out on before and played for the first time. So I'm gonna tack on a list from other years as well as they represented what I played better than just the new games. And I'll be mixing them with my other games this year as well to give an idea of what I enjoyed more than others.