Tell me how you like Akiba'S'trip!
Tell me how you like Akiba'S'trip!
How is Don't Starve?
Overclocked is such an amazing game! I'm assuming you played P4? If not, I dont' mind mailing you my copy!
If you like the Tales games, Tales of Hearts R just dropped on Vita and it's absolutely great. :D
Playing Tales of Vesperia on 360 and loving it. (The game, not the 360)
I effing love that you specified not the 360 xD
Theatrhythm is so good. I downloaded all the DLC (pricey bit, no?) but I don't really regret it. The only bad thing is I am drowning in backlog and Hatsune Miku so I need more hours in the day!
I love love love Y's. You've always had great taste. :D
Dangen Rompa (Ronpa?) is great! I haven't played the sequel but got pretty far into the first one. It reminds me a bit of Phoenix Wright mixed with some seriously quirky/creepy survival horror point-and-click stuff. Super interesting game!
Sounds fun! It'd be smart to do a range (like, pick a sony and a nintendo game) just in case people have one system but not another.
Extremely fair review. I play ACE. I play assassin. Boo on nerfs, hooray on new builds! x)