Posted on 06/04/2014 at 05:56 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I had it from when it was free for PS+
I had it from when it was free for PS+
Another great reason why I NEED to get into PC gaming.
picked up Ni No Kuni might also get the Mass Effect Trilogy and Toukiden since they say it's a fairly good Monster Hunter clone. Man I want a MH so bad on my Vita or PS3/4!
I sent you some so hopefully they work. It stinks that you have to be a gold member but I guess business wise it makes sense. That way you have to get gold.
Well right now Ni NO Kuni is $5. I'm getting it for sure.
No they didn't have them but I did get to other books
That's why I only visit it sporadically.
I'll usually just play a the Gamecube games on my Wii. I'm just a sucker for deals like these.
I don't go often to it because it is rare to find anything worth it.