Great fan review! Cannot wait for xmas break to play this. Sounds like the perfect length for me to wrap too
Great fan review! Cannot wait for xmas break to play this. Sounds like the perfect length for me to wrap too
I think this also supports Sony's claims of having long life cycles for its consoles. Didn't they announce like 10 years for the PS3? As evidenced by God of War, and now Ratchet and Clank, this is something they actually commit on.
I wrapped ratchet and clank back on the PS2. It took me forever to save up for the RYNO though. I decided to just go over the first 4 plants over and over again because I was afraid of dying. Pretty sure those planets give the fewest amount of bolts though!
I think transmet is talking about the new Insomniac game. It's kind of weird, Sony having Bungie now and Microsoft having Insomniac
I have thought his twitter responses have been a little too thought out. Can't say Metal Gear news isn't fun to watch
I could never play well at all with magic in Oblivion. I've played friend's copies of Skyrim so I agree that magic is a lot of fun. Maybe I'll finally buy it for myself, reading A Song of Ice and Fire makes me want too have my own story
Let's not give up too quickly though! We can still teach our kids to love games in the ways that we have.
Ya I'm really liking it. I don't listen to much rap at all but I'm glad I picked this one up
Haha crazy, with as many pages as I have to go it's gonna be weird when I catch up. I guess I'll have you to coach me through the withdrawal.
Are you gonna try some other genres or stick to these? These are the kind of books I've read the most but it makes other genres more enjoyable in some ways
You can pat Agro in Shadow of the Colossus :)