I fully agree with this review. Good job.
I fully agree with this review. Good job.
He was pretty terrible at his job, but let's not confuse him with Bobby Kotick.
Side-note: I find it funny that C.E.O.s in this billion dollar industry never look like they've ever played a game. Car salesmen or stockbrokers, yeah; video games not so much. It's like they've not heard the saying "finger on the pulse of society". Now I'm ranting.
There's a meme going around with GIFs about DRM, pirates and legit consumers that sums it all up. The way I see it, there are too many good games to be played that intrusive DRM doesn't bother me; I just won't buy the product. I may miss out on a title here and there, but companies are missing out on this gamer who spends thousands a year on video games and related products.
You made my point more clearly and more succinctly than I could. Bravo and thanks.
Must dissociate words from pictures...pretty words and then boom! A picture that makes me think with the wrong head.
I'm assuming "chum" is used in an endearing way. Or that I'm shark fodder...
Trip blows goats; I have proof.
If Gray is here, it must be kosher^^
Well, when you go on a quest you might as well look as baddass as you can!
Your blogs are fantastic. And by fantastic I mean relevent and poigniant and thouroughly interesting.