My top 5, in order:
Diablo III
Mass Effect 3
Halo 4
Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy (iOS)
Prediction: New Xbox will launch at 249.99 with a two year contract for Live. 499.99 with no contract.
Since the world didn't end this year, I guess we should talk about it.
So the world didn't end. Who'd a thunk it. So let's celebrate with a special "Year in Review" episode of Push Start to Continue that sees the Hell Block Heroes reunite! The guys guiltily admit how the Steam Winter Sale pilfered their wallets; Jesse explains away his Civilization V addiction; and the whole crew goes round and round on some of the best games and gaming moments of 2012.
Music courtesy of...
Intro: Densmore by Anamanaguchi
Interlude: Another Winter by Anamanaguchi
Outro from Journey
Got questions or comments for the crew? Hit us up on Twitter!
Jesse: @Id10t_Savant
Mike: @Off_The_Wally
Also don’t forget to check us out, subscribe and rate us on iTunes!
I agree with you on the new Xbox and the contract, though I think $300 is a better marker at this point with the contract as it will still make it cheaper than Nintendo's premium model and be more powerful to boot. I don't like this contract business one bit.