It has certainly been a while! I am Ashley for those that do not know me and I am a gamer! Gaming has been a part of my life for a very long time and the types of games I play have certainly grown over the years! Besides gaming, I watch anime, like reading, crafting, and more!
In my everyday life I work a full time job as a business systems analyst, but planning a career change next year as I am currently working towards a masters in Digital Forensics! I have a french bull dog and a pug who are super cute in my eyes.
I stream as a hobby over on Twitch (DefectiveAsh), and it's been a very fun way to play my backlog and some new games I want to experience with everyone. It's also helped me broaden my horizon with games to play as well.
Dragon Quest series, Lunar series, Breath of Fire series, Suikoden series, and so much more.
Pop, Electronic (dance, techno, ect.), oldies, K/J pop/rock, video game soundtracks