Wait until you see how New Vegas world, quests, and characters interconnect. It's on a whole 'nother level.
Wait until you see how New Vegas world, quests, and characters interconnect. It's on a whole 'nother level.
I've only played a smattering of adventure games, and luckily they all had fairly logical puzzles.
I had the ColecoVision port. It didn't have the cement factory or bouncing jacks in the elevator level, and it was overall easier. I was able to get through a lot of cycles in that version.
Have to appreciate how concise and direct old arcade games were. "All killer, no filler", unlike most games today.
Has MGS ACiD 2, which was actually a pretty good tactical card game, and Syphon Filter on it. But overall meh to me, wasn't long before I sold it on ebay.
Bought it for MGS4 initially. Then it became the Demon's Souls Machine. Dragon's Crown was another I put a lot of time in. Dragon's Dogma, RE5, Vanquish were some others that stood out
Never interested me because of shoddy hardware quality and exclusives that weren't up my alley, but it was surely a force to be reckoned with in the market at the time.
Had the three Castlevanias,which were a blast, pure fun, and Metroid Prime Pinball. There were lots of other titles that looked cool, but I never got around to getting them. One of the best handhelds, I'd say.
I had PS2 at launch and was not interested in Xbox until I saw Spliner Cell, KOTOR, and Ninja Gaiden (possibly the best melee action game of all time)
I bought one of these at a game specialty store, not long before PS2 came out if I remember correctly. I always wanted to play Perfect Dark and Ocarina of Time. Also enjoyed the WCW wrestling games. Doom 64 might be my favorite Doom, but I didn't play it until a couple generations later on PC using a source port