STAGE SELECT: What's the most personal story you feel comfortable sharing on the show? If you'd rather not share that, what video game character turns you OFF the most? Just makes you never want to have sex ever again, because if there's even a small chance of your children creating a similar character in the future, you'd rather not risk it?
Bonus points if you have a personal story that reminds you of a video game character so bad they made you never want to have sex again.
Cage Match: Tony Hawk's all the way. I wasn't even that big a fan of Goldeneye at the time, and everything it did has been changed or dramatically improved upon not long after it came out. It's an outdated time capsule.
THPS is also an outdated time capsule, but in the best way: you couldn't release a blockbuster hit with that soundtrack today, but that soundtrack is awesome. The gameplay in THPS is solid and was added to and iterated on in later entries, but the core mechanics still work well/are intuituve/are not clunky, much unlike Goldeneye 007.
By the way, I no longer study or work/teach there, but Tony Hawk came to Stephen F. Austin only a couple months ago to give a business speech and I got to see him in person.
Beyond all that, there's still something I find inherently cool about skateboarding. Really wish I could have gone beyond doing an ollie and keeping the board straight when I was little and had that Star Wars Episode I Anakin board.
Now if Street Sk8er had been involved, my nostalgia goggles and the song "All My Friends Are Metalheads" by Less Than Jake may have won out, but no. THPS is the winner today!