This looks like a great Sonic game! Wait...what?
If you were around for the bitter, vicious, and petty wars between the Super Nintendo and the Sega Genesis, you can’t help but feel at least a little bad for Sega’s blue speedster with the 90s ‘tude. While Mario went on from the 16-bit era to have some of his greatest adventures, Sonic has had a slow, steady slide into irrelevancy. While he has his staunch supporters and always sells well to the kids, there is a segment of the hardcore gaming community that keeps wondering when that next great Sonic game is going to come along. With each new release, there’s always the talk that “This is the one! This is the game that makes Sonic great again!” And the fans buy into it, and more often than not, they end up disappointed, and have to seek solace in their fan fiction.
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